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Skin, Airway & Esophageal Epithelial Barriers in Youth

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Trial Objectives

Researchers want to know if cells of the skin, airway and esophagus are different in people who have and those who don’t have allergic conditions. The goal is to understand if areas of the body that are exposed to environmental particles, from inhaling or touching them, contribute to the development of asthma, eczema, food allergies, eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The study requires samples of the skin, airways and esophagus.

Who Can Participate

Children and young adults aged 2-25 who are undergoing routine bronchoscopy for physician-diagnosed asthma or chronic cough.

Age: 2-21 Gender: Any

Estimated Time Commitment

Not Specified

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment: Not Provided

Travel Reimbursement: Not Available

Trial Contact

For more information, contact:

Athena Harvey
for Pamela Zeitlin, MD, MPhil, PhD

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Trial Location

National Jewish Main Campus, Denver, CO

Trial Sponsors

National Jewish Health

Principal Investigators

Pamela L. Zeitlin

Pamela L. Zeitlin, MD, MPhil, PhD


  • Ronina A. Covar

    Ronina A. Covar, MD

  • Jane E. Gross

    Jane E. Gross, MD, PhD

  • Donald Y M Leung

    Donald Y M Leung, PhD, MD

  • J. Tod Olin

    J. Tod Olin, MD, MSCS

  • Max Seibold

    Max Seibold, PhD

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