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Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Center




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Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a broad category of lung diseases that includes more than 200 disorders which are characterized by scarring (i.e. “fibrosis”) and/or inflammation of the lungs. ILD accounts for 15 percent of the cases seen by pulmonologists (lung specialists). 

As a center specializing in the care of people with ILD, our health care providers have vast experience in treating people with these rare and complex conditions. In conjunction with your local provider, doctors at National Jewish Health develop and implement a detailed plan of diagnosis and care based on the latest information available regarding ILD.

There is a tremendous amount of interest in understanding the mechanisms of inflammation and scarring in ILD, and extensive research in this area is being conducted at National Jewish Health. Together with our basic scientists, the doctors and staff at National Jewish Health work to broaden our understanding of the causes of ILD and develop new treatment approaches.

Interstitial Lung Disease Care at National Jewish Health

At National Jewish Health, you’ll find:

  • The latest clinical trials
  • A focused and integrated approach
  • State-of-the-art pulmonary testing and treatments
  • Comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation services
  • Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis Genetic Counseling Program
  • Support groups

Our team of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, lab technicians and clinical research coordinators will create a detailed plan of diagnosis and care for you, based on the latest information available regarding ILD.

Learn more about the Interstitial Lung Disease Program.

ILD Providers